Spain (2025)


According to estimates by the Asociación de Editores de Diarios Españoles (Association of Spanish Newspaper Publishers - AEDE, 2016), in 2015, 107 newspapers were published in Spain, with a total circulation of around 2.1m copies a day. Ten years earlier, in 2006, the Spanish press sold 4m copies a day, according to the data audited by the Oficina de Justificación de la Difusión (Circulation Audit Bureau - OJD). This means that, in just a decade, Spanish newspapers reduced their circulation by almost half.

On the other hand, most of the circulation is concentrated in a few titles. In 2015, 56 percent of Spanish newspapers maintained an average circulation of less than 10,000 copies (AEDE, 2016). The main newspapers are, of course, the national ones, but also a few regional newspapers, solidly based in their respective territories. All the newspapers are published in tabloid format but, unlike other European countries, Spain has no sensationalist newspapers as such.

In the general information press, the newspaper of greatest circulation is El País. Founded in Madrid on 4 May 1976, just six months after the death of the dictator Franco, it is considered the most emblematic and influential medium of the last four decades of Spanish democracy. Of progressive ideology, its editorial approach has traditionally been close to social democracy, embodied in Spain by the Partido Socialista Obrero Español (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party - PSOE). Owned by PRISA, one of the country’s main communication groups, since its foundation, it has remained the most widely read general information newspaper. It has also become the Spanish medium of reference for the international press. That sustained leadership has not, however, prevented the newspaper from suffering a severe fall in its circulation in recent years. In contrast to the more than 435,000 copies that, according to the OJD, it sold daily at the end of the 20th century (specifically, in 1999), at the end of 2016, El País reached an average daily circulation of just over 185,000 copies. This decline, particularly pronounced since the economic crisis unleashed in 2008, has significantly damaged the newspaper’s accounts, leading to changes in its shareholdings. Within the editorial staff, the fall has resulted in hundreds of journalists being dismissed -the number of workers in the newspaper dropped from 899 in 2008 to 334 in 2015 (PR Noticias, 2017)-, several changes of director and a general reorientation of the newspaper’s editorial strategy, which has changed from being focused on the print business to giving priority to digital platforms, in an attempt to become the medium of reference in Spanish on a global scale.

There are another three national general information newspapers based in Madrid: El Mundo (founded in 1989 and owned by the Unidad Editorial group, sold just over 100,000 copies in November 2016), ABC (founded in 1903, Vocento, 84,000 copies, 11/2016) and La Razón (founded in 1998, Grupo Planeta, 65,000 copies, 11/2016). These three newspapers are located, with different intensities, in a liberal-conservative ideological spectrum and have a constitutionalist editorial line.

Like El País, the rest of the Spanish press has also suffered a pronounced fall in circulation and has drastically reduced its workforce. According to an analysis by PR Noticias (2017) based on data from the White Paper of the Daily Press 2016, Spanish newspapers as a whole cut their workforce by 43 percent in the seven years after the crisis: from 10,454 employees in 2008, to 5,942 in 2015 (that is, 4,511 jobs were destroyed).

In addition to these titles published in the country’s capital, other major Spanish general information newspapers are La Vanguardia (Barcelona, 1888, Grupo Godó, 104,000 copies, 11/2016), El Periódico de Catalunya (Barcelona, 1978, Grupo Zeta, 77.000 copies, 11/2016), La Voz de Galicia (La Coruña, 1882, Corporación Voz de Galicia, 73,000 copies, 12/2015), El Correo (Bilbao, 1910, Vocento, 73,000 copies, 12/2015), El Diario Vasco (San Sebastián, 1934; Vocento; 53.000 copies, 12/2015), La Nueva España (Oviedo, 1936; Editorial Prensa Ibérica; 43.000 copies, 12/2015) and Heraldo de Aragón (Saragossa, 1895, Grupo Heraldo, 36,000 copies, 12/2015), among others. Each of these newspapers is leader in its respective territory.

The sports press is very popular in Spain. It has four main representatives: Marca (founded in 1938; Unidad Editorial), As (1967; PRISA), Mundo Deportivo (1906; Grupo Godó) and Sport (1979; Grupo Zeta). The first two are published in Madrid and the other two in Barcelona, and give priority attention to the football teams of their respective capitals. In fact, an overwhelming majority of their covers are devoted to Real Madrid and FC Barcelona. These four newspapers have sales below those of the main national daily newspapers but, in contrast, their audience is very high. According to the Estudio General de Medios (General Media Survey - EGM) of March 2016, Marca was the top printed medium in Spain, with 2.3 million readers a day. The other three sports newspapers also held outstanding positions in that same ranking: As, fourth with 1.2 million; Mundo Deportivo, seventh with 508,000; and Sport, tenth with 453,000. In addition to these four newspapers, some other newspapers and sports magazines of lower circulation are published in several capitals of the country.

Spain also has press specialised in economic information. After the closure of La Gaceta de los Negocios in 2013, Spain now has three printed economic journals, all in Madrid: Expansión (1986; Unidad Editorial), Cinco Días (1978; PRISA) and El Economista (2006; EcoPrensa). Within the specialised press, in the past Spain also had the printed edition of a medical journal, Diario Médico, but today it is only published in digital format.

As for the free press, in the middle of the first decade of 2000, Spain became the world leader in the reading of free newspapers. Their aggregate circulation exceeded that of all paid newspapers together: in 2006, it reached 5m copies a day (Bakker, 2007). However, once again the economic crisis decimated this sector of the press, causing virtually all titles to disappear (Metro, Qué!, ADN...). In 2016, there was only one major free newspaper published on paper: 20 Minutos, with editions in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and some cities in Andalusia. This newspaper, owned by the Norwegian group Schibsted during the years of greatest prosperity, was sold to Grupo Heraldo in the summer of 2015.

The market for printed magazines has also been severely affected by the crisis. If, according to the Estudio General de Medios (EGM), in 2000 their aggregate audience amounted to 53.6 percent of Spaniards, in March 2016 that figure had dropped to 37.3 percent. According to the same survey, the three largest weekly magazines were Pronto (3.1 million readers), Hola! (2.1 million) and Lecturas (1.3 million), all women’s magazines. As for the monthly magazines, the main ones were Muy Interesante (1.8 million), National Geographic España (1.7 million) and Saber Vivir (1.1 million), devoted to the dissemination of knowledge.

Dozens of magazines have disappeared since the beginning of this century and virtually all of them have seen their sales and advertising revenues drop significantly. The weekly supplements of newspapers have also fallen in number and circulation.

Spain (2025)


How do I prove I have enough money for Spain? ›

Declare cash or travellers cheques if the value is 10,000 euros or more. You will get a certified declaration to show you brought it in with you. If you do not, your money could be seized when you leave.

How do I prove sufficient funds for a visa to Spain? ›

If providing proof for yourself: your three most recent monthly bank statements, including your full name and a final balance that covers the required minimum funds. The bank statements do not need to be translated into Spanish or notarized.

How many days is enough for Spain? ›

Depending on your interests and travel style, you may need more or less time to explore Spain fully. But with 10 days, you can experience some of the country's highlights and create unforgettable memories.

How do I show proof of sufficient funds for travel? ›

The proof of funds required can take many forms, including copies of bank statements or a letter from your bank; an affidavit of support from a parent, guardian, or a supporter, accompanied by copies of their bank statements; or evidence of financial aid or scholarships.

How much bank balance is required for Spain? ›

There is no specific minimum bank balance requirement for a Spain visa. However, applicants must provide proof of sufficient financial means to cover their expenses during their stay in Spain, including accommodation, transportation, and daily expenses.

Is Spain scrapping the 90 Day rule? ›

Spain is pushing the European Union to scrap it. Spain is pushing the European Union to scrap the 90 day rule which means that non-resident Britons can only spend 180 days in the country in two blocks of two. The ruling has hit British holiday home owners hard and is said to be costing the Spanish government millions.

What financial proof can I show for Spain's non-lucrative visa? ›

In calculating the proof of income for non-lucrative residency, you must have an annual income of 400% of IPREM in your bank account. The IPREM for 2023 is €600 per month. Therefore, as an individual, you will need to have €2,400 as a regular guaranteed monthly income or a yearly income of €28,800.

What is proof of sufficient financial resources for the visit Schengen? ›

Proof of sufficient means of subsistence for the intended journey, recent bank account statements during the last three months (Bank statements must show the name and address of the owner). We cannot accept Travel Money Cards or cash as proof of sufficient funds.

How do you prove you have sufficient funds? ›

Common types of proof of funds documents include bank statements, investment statements, and letters. These documents must be recent, formatted properly, and comply with specific requirements.

How much money do I need to take to Spain for a week? ›

How much money to take to Spain varies enormously on what you plan to do, but you should bank on about £30-£40 per person per day (£200-£250 per week) of spending money to cover meals, trips out and all the many attractions Spain has to offer.

Is Spain cheap or expensive? ›

Cost of living in Spain vs the USA

This's especially true if you're planning to work remotely and earn in USD. On average, the cost of living in Spain is 123% cheaper than in the USA. The biggest differences in cost are in rent, utilities, groceries, daycare, and health insurance.

How do I prove I have enough money to enter Spain? ›

How to show adequate proof of funds when travelling to Spain
  1. cash.
  2. traveller's cheques.
  3. a credit card accompanied by a bank account statement.
  4. an up-to-date bank book.
  5. any other resource that accredits the amount available, such as a credit statement regarding the card or bank account.
Apr 16, 2024

What is the 100 rule in Spain? ›

foreigners who intend to enter the national territory must continue to prove that they have a minimum amount of €100 per person per day, those they intend to stay in Spain with a minimum of €900 or its legal equivalent in foreign currency, provided that they are required by the officials in charge of carrying out the ...

What is an example of proof of sufficient funds? ›

An official bank statement, either printed at a branch or as an online statement. The balance of total funds in your accounts. The balance of funds in your checking or savings account. The signature of an authorized bank employee or notary.

Do you need to show proof of income for Spain? ›

If you are employed, present the following documents to the Foreigners Office: Current employment contract. Your last 3 payslips (if you have been working for less than three months provide the ones that you have). A bank statement showing at least the last 3 months of your bank account movements.

What is proof of income for tourist in Spain? ›

At the request of the competent authorities, the traveller must present proof of having sufficient financial means for the proposed stay, or of the ability to legally obtain such means. In 2023, the minimum amount required is of $120 per person per day.

How much money do you need to show for a tourist visa to Spain? ›

If you are staying for 10 days or less, you will need to show you have 90% of the minimum wage for 10 days which is €900. If you are staying for more than 10 days in Spain, then you have to prove you have €70.77 daily. You typically prove this by submitting any of the following: A six-month bank statement.


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