Hosting a Laravel Project with Netlify - phpJobs (2024)

Hosting a Laravel Project with Netlify

Feb 8, 2019

Spoiler alert! It isn’t possible to host a Laravel Project with Netlify. This isn’tan unheard of question forthose who may not understand what Netlify actually does.

My simplest explanation: Netlify is a static website hosting service that can automatically build and deploy yourproject from a git repository.

A more accurate title for this post would have been “Automatically building, deploying, and hosting your Laravelproject’s front end assets with SSL and Netlify”, however that is terribly verbose. If you are interested inlearning a technique to build, deploy, and host your front end assests with SSL and Netlify please continue reading.

Building, Deploying, and Hosting Front End Assets Automatically

If you use the Laravel provided front end scaffolding you willeventually end up wondering how to publish/manage assets after compilationas to which there is no right answer.

Personally, I prefer to keep a clean commit history and therefore do not commit compiled assets. Instead I do my assetcompilation post commit as part of a build step.

Enter Netlify…


As mentioned earlier, Netlify is “an all-in-one workflow that combines global deployment, continuous integration, andautomatic HTTPS” and it is the perfect solution to build and deploy our front end assets.

All it takes is three easy steps to setup a project in Netlify. Numbers 1 and 2 are super straight forward, step 3 isn’tthat difficult either:

Hosting a Laravel Project with Netlify - phpJobs (1)

Tada! That’s all it takes to configure Netlify to build your front end Laravel Mix assets.Now anytime you merge/push to master Netlify will run a build and deploy the newly compiled assets.

Connecting to Netlify

Now that your assets are deployed on Netlify’s CDN you need to make some changes to utilize those assets. There are atleast two ways I can think of to integrate your Netlify assets with your Laravel site. The first is to use a subdomainfor your Netlify hostname and reference all of your static content from while leaving your main domainalone. I will not cover this method as I’ve found a more clever way to host both the front end and back end from a singledomain (

In domain settings Netlify has all the steps necessary to connect a domain name to your Netlify site. Once completedall traffic to will now go through Netlify. For example, requests to will now be servedfrom Netlify’s CDN and never from your back end server. There is still one lingering issue: how does Netlify know when Ineed requests to go to the backend vs. the front end? Short answer: it doesn’t, all requests that are not to actual filesin the public/ folder will end up with 404 errors. No worries, Netlify has a solution to this.

Requests to will result with this:

Hosting a Laravel Project with Netlify - phpJobs (2)

Talking to the Backend

To satisfy requests to non-static files we can utilize Netlify redirectsto send these requests to a different server. By adding the configuration below to a file called netlify.toml in your rootgit directory all unservable requests will now be forwarded to a different server all transparent to the requesting user.

[[redirects]] from = "/*" to = "" status = 200

Now both and will work just fine running through Netlify.

Pitfalls of Proxy with Laravel

In the given example here with our Laravel project running at you will notice that links generatedby Laravel will use the same scheme and domain. For example if you have a route named home that points to /home andyou generate a url with route(‘home’) it will be generated as This is obviously notwhat you want, to solve the schema problem so that every url generated uses https you need to set \URL::forceScheme('https');inside of your AppServiceProvider::boot method. Now route(‘home’) will generate as Thenext step is to get your domain to be the one you are pointing at Netlify and not the one the backend is listening on. Todo that set \URL::forceRootUrl(\Config::get('app.url')); inside of AppServiceProvider::boot. Now you will generate the urlyou expect at

My AppServiceProvider:

<?phpnamespace App\Providers;use App\Observers\JobObserver;use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{ /** * Bootstrap any application services. * * @return void */ public function boot() { if($this->app->environment() == 'production') { \URL::forceScheme('https'); \URL::forceRootUrl(\Config::get('app.url')); } } /** * Register any application services. * * @return void */ public function register() { // }}

HTTPS Always

A side benefit of sending all your traffic through Netlify is you do not have to worry about managing SSL certs on yourbackend server. Netlify will automatically provision SSL certificates for you, even on your custom domain.


There is a minor workflow issue you need to consider when connecting Netlify to your git repository. Every time there isa new commit in your master branch Netlify will pull in your code and deploy those changes. This can pose problems whereyour front end code does not match the same commit as your backend. For this hasn’t been a big deal, as I amthe only one merging code I can simply push the backend as soon as I merge the code.

If you want to sync your back and front end deployments you can have your back end deployed upon merges to master or forbetter timed deploys you can lock front end deploys and roll the deployment(via API) when the backend has been deployed.

Thanks for reading.

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Hosting a Laravel Project with Netlify - phpJobs (2024)


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